Charles Simeon (1759-1836)
Leader of the Evangelical Revival
- Educated at Eton and Kings, Cambridge
- Converted in 1779 on going up to Cambridge
- 1782 Fellow of Kings
- 1783 Ordained and appoined Vicar of Holy Trinity, Cambridge where he served until his death 53 years later.
- Helped found the Church Missionary Society in 1799
Biography of Simeon by Max Warren
(Great Churchmen No 11 - Church Book Room Press)
- The England in Which He Lived
- A Portrait of the Man
- An Estimate of His Significance
- Simeon, Thornton, and Newton - Letters. Correspondence between these three evangelicals at the start of Simeon's ministry in Cambridge. Churchman article by William Carus from 1880.
- Charles Simeon: Prince of Evangelicals. Churchman article by Arthur Bennett .
Charles Simeon: His Methods in the Local Church, the Church of England and the Nation.Churchman article from 1978 by Max Warren.
- The Holy Spirit in the Teaching of Charles Simeon. 1952 Churchman article by R. Reeve.
- Are the Priorities and Concerns of Charles Simeon Relevant For Today? Churchman article from 2000 by Paul Carr.
- Expository Preaching: Charles Simeon and Ourselves. Churchman article from 1960 by J. I. Packer.
- Umbrellas, Great-Coats and Polished Shoes, and the Spirituality of Charles Simeon. Churchman article from 1999 by Alan Munden
- Charles Simeon of Cambridge - A man who faced and overcame rejection in his parish and maintained and acted on a lifelong vision for the Church both in England and worldwide. Churchman article from 1995 by Ian Chapman.
- Charles Simeon and the Church of England. Cross†Way article by David Streater.
- Reminiscences of the Hon. and Right Rev Henry Ryder (1777-1836) Churchman article from 1880 by Henry Law (includes correspondence with Charles Simeon).