2019년 6월 12일 수요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 39편 2019년 6월 12일 수요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 39편 더보기 2019년 6월 7일 금요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 20편 2019년 6월 7일 금요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 20편 더보기 2019년 6월 6일 목요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 16편 2019년 6월 6일 목요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 16편 더보기 2019년 6월 5일 수요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 14편 2019년 6월 5일 수요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 14편 더보기 루터의 시편묵상 008편 (Reading the Psalms with Luther) PSALM 8 Psalm 8 is a prophecy of Christ—His sufferings, resurrection, and kingly rule over all creatures. This kingdom shall be established by the voice of children, that is, it will be established by Word and faith alone, not by sword or armor. This psalm belongs in the First Commandment, specifically that God intends to be our God, and the Second Petition, as was stated in Psalm 2 above. 시편 8 .. 더보기 루터의 시편묵상 007편 (Reading the Psalms with Luther) PSALM 7 Psalm 7 is also a psalm of prayer. It laments over slanderers who accuse the saints and their teachings as being riotous, opposed to the authorities, and disturbing the peace. In this way Shimei the Benjaminite (2 Samuel 16:5–14) slandered the pious David as if David had stolen King Saul’s kingdom. In the same way, Christ was also accused before Pilate, and even now slanderers defame the.. 더보기 루터의 시편묵상 006편 (Reading the Psalms with Luther) PSALM 6 Psalm 6 is a psalm of prayer. It laments the great yet hidden suffering of the conscience when, on account of sins, one’s faith and hope are tormented by the law and anger of God and driven to despair or erring faith. This suffering is called elsewhere in the Psalter “the bonds of death” and “the ropes of hell,” or “the misery of death” and “the anguish of hell.” At the end of Psalm 6, t.. 더보기 루터의 시편묵상 005편 (Reading the Psalms with Luther) PSALM 5 Psalm 5 is a psalm of prayer against the false teachers and the rebellious spirits. It harshly condemns both their glistening teaching and their works, by which—under the name of God—they do great harm to the pure Word of God and the true worship of God. The psalm prays for the righteous, that is, for the pure Word of God and the pure worship of God. In the last verse it promises that su.. 더보기 루터의 시편묵상 004편 (Reading the Psalms with Luther) PSALM 4 Psalm 4 is a psalm of comfort, and at the same time a psalm of prayer and instruction that teaches us to trust in God when things go wrong. It rebukes the ungodly, who concern themselves over vain gods and fleshly comfort, yet will not bear to wait confidently for God, who is the highest comfort. God surprises us by how He deals with His saints. At first, He abandons them and tries their.. 더보기 2019년 6월 4일 화요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 4편 2019년 6월 4일 화요일 새벽기도회 성경해설_시편 4편 더보기 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 36 다음